Ellie is 12 years old. Her parents are swanning off to America without her. They're leaving her with big brother, Eddie, and a rule book. She's not keen on rules and thinks Eddie stinks. What could possibly go wrong?
The Abandoned Rule Book introduces new characters. Enter, brother and sister, Bella and Eden, whose dad, Mr. Vittori, owns the Little Egret Hotel where strange things are going on. While Elsie leaves under a cloud, Jack's back for the summer. Unfortunately, Gilby Flynn is back too, and his dad, Liam, who should probably sue the charm school he went to. There's Tilly, a scruffy, fey dog who knows more than she's letting on. And, of course, Herman, the Labrador, who holds things together like glue, as dogs often do. And then there's Eddie and why he bought a boat called Susie Q.
Dear Flinty Maguire,
I would like to tell you how much of a fan I am of your Ellie Booton books, especially The Lighthouse Code, because there is a mystery to solve. What I particularly love about the Ellie Booton Journals, is the way they are written from Ellie's perspective, because I get to know how she thinks. I am really looking forward to reading your next book (The Abandoned Rule Book).
Ellie is growing up - or at least, she's trying to. |
When I first started writing Ellie Booton's Journals, Ellie had just turned eleven and was struggling to find her feet. Since then, she's come a long way. Don't be fooled by the cartoon depictions of Ellie and her friends. In this latest journal: The Abandoned Rule Book, they're all growing up.
Is growing up a straightforward process? Of course not.
A note from Walter |
Ellie's dad, Walter speaking. Just a heads-up before anyone thinks that Ellie really was abandoned. No - we didn't leave her all alone. Ellie was in the care of her adult brother, Eddie, and her Grandma, Ruby, who is 78 years young. Eddie, by the way, is not an ape, contrary to Ellie's rather immature and rude assessment. It was a responsible arrangement and Ellie was perfectly safe - or so we thought. Ellie's journal is not for the faint-hearted. Parents' beware. Kids can end up teaching you a lesson.